中国显示模块和偏光片供应商奥斯汀科技集团有限公司(“公司”)(纳斯达克代码:OST)今天宣布将参加全球最具影响力之一的科技盛会CES 2024。该展会定于2024年1月9日至12日在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行,承诺将促进人与人之间互动的力量,为带动创新、建立合作伙伴关系和实现直接商业影响创造一个充满活力的平台。公司在CES 2024的展台位于拉斯维加斯会议中心的中央大厅23030号。
作为一家致力于推动技术发展和推动行业进步的公司,奥斯汀科技集团非常重视CES 2024所提供的机遇。公司计划展示其主要产品,并希望与行业专家和潜在客户建立联系,分享其发展战略,并倾听来自全球参与者的见解和建议,以便抓住新的商机并在北美市场扩展。
公司在CES 2024展览会上的亮点包括:
- 公司将展示其尖端产品,包括不断升级的照片分享产品Pintura和新推出的智能手表产品M4和GT8-PRO。欢迎参观者亲自体验这些产品的独特设计、先进技术和实用性。
- Pintura最近经历了一次显著而精致的改变,使其不仅仅是一个数字相框,更像是一个画布,采用了全新的圆角设计。与传统的单屏显示不同,Pintura采用多屏组合的方式,与基于云的相册无缝集成,展示和保存无数的回忆。多屏组合的概念使得Pintura能够根据不同用户在不同场景下提供独特的体验,同时产品重量也非常轻。公司还将展示Pintura下一代产品的样机,并期待与CES 2024参展者互动,以收集反馈和建议,改进设计和研发工作。
- M4和GT8-Pro智能手表都提供健康和健身追踪功能。它们的先进健康追踪功能可以实时监测用户的心率、睡眠质量、身体活动等。此外,对于老年人,手表还提供监测和提醒功能,帮助他们保持个人健康。
公司的董事长兼首席执行官Tao Ling先生评论道:“CES 2024代表了150多个国家和41个不同技术领域,为知识共享、合作和市场拓展提供了真正全球化的平台。我们真诚地鼓励所有参观我们展位的人积极提供反馈和改进建议。我们非常重视这些宝贵的意见,同时我们也很高兴能够与来自不同背景的CES 2024参展者建立联系,探索合作和增长的潜在机会。我们期待参与这些引人思考的讨论,并获得对塑造行业未来的新趋势和技术的宝贵洞察。”

About Ostin Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Founded in 2010, the Company is a supplier of display modules and polarizers in China. The Company designs, develops, and manufactures TFT-LCD display modules in a wide range of sizes and customized sizes which are mainly used in consumer electronics, outdoor LCD displays, and automotive displays. The Company also manufactures polarizers used in the TFT-LCD display modules.
For more information, please visit
Forward-Looking Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, underlying assumptions, and other statements that are other than statements of historical facts. When the Company uses words such as "may,” "will,” "intend," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project," "estimate" or similar expressions that do not relate solely to historical matters, it is making forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, the following: the Company's goals and strategies; the Company's forecast on market trends; the Company's future business development; the demand for and market acceptance for new products; expectation to receive customer orders for new products; the anticipated timing for the marketing and sales of new products; changes in technology; the Company's ability to attract and retain skilled professionals; client concentration; and general economic conditions affecting the Company's industry and assumptions underlying or related to any of the foregoing and other risks contained in reports filed by the Company with the SEC. For these reasons, among others, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements in this press release. Additional factors are discussed in the Company's filings with the SEC, which are available for review at The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date hereof.
For more information, please contact:
Ostin Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Investor Relations:
Janice Wang
Wealth Financial Services LLC
Phone: +86 13811768599 +1 628 283 9214